Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yesterday was 2 years since our Christmas in July with Owen-which was his last with us. We had a tree up, and opened gifts, etc. Looking back, I am not exactly sure why we didn't just wait a few days until July 25, but I think that we were really not sure how he would be from day to day, and wanted to make sure that we got it in while he was still feeling well.

2 years. So much has happened in 2 years. In so many ways, it feels like it was soo long ago, and also at times like it is still so recent. I obviously wish that he was here with us, waiting for first grade, playing with his brothers (all 3 of them! Like I had told him, if he ever had another brother, he and Anthony would be like the frosting in the middle of a double stuffed Oreo!)

He would be so excited to see all that has happened with Owen's Toybox, as well. People he never even knew are helping other children smile in his memory. What could be cooler?? People who have received toys, etc while they were in the hospital have in donated toys or money in return, to "pay it forward". Again, how incredibly cool is that?

Hoping Owen comes and hugs me in my dreams tonight!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A butterfly lights beside us like a sunbeam and for a brief moment its glory and beauty belong to our world, but then it flies on again. And though we wish it could have stayed, we feel so lucky to have seen it.